Nevada Arts Council
The Artist in Residence (AIE) Program provides students, teachers and communities with direct hands-on arts experiences through personal interaction with working artists. The Artist in Residence Roster features a juried selection of professional artists who have experience and/or training in this specialized arts domain. The AIR roster is comprised of artists that represent the disciplines of literary arts, dance, folk arts, music, theater, storytelling and visual arts. The AIR roster includes Nevada and out-of-state artists.
Selection Process: Artists accepted for the AIR Program are placed on the two-year roster, and must re-apply for subsequent rosters.
Application Deadline: April 1, 2008
NAC Contact: Maryjane Dorofachuk
Arts Education Coordinator
702.486.3738 | mdorofac@clan.lib.nv.us
Artist in Residency Roster Guidelines and Application can be downloaded on NAC website at dmla.clan.lib.nv.us/docs/arts/programs/artsedu/roster/aieroster3.htm
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Annual grants to artists working in a wide variety of performing, visual and literary disciplines. The program seeks to recognize and reward outstanding individual artists who demonstrate excellence in their work. Annual Fellowship awards of $5,000 go to nine artists – three in each category – literary, performing and visual arts. Three $500 grants are also awarded to the top honorable mentions in each category.
Postmark Deadline: April 11, 2008
Eligible applicants must currently.
· be a practicing professional artist
· be a Nevada resident for 12 months prior to application date
· have U.S. citizenship or legal resident status
· be at least 21 years old, and not be currently enrolled as a degree-seeking student
NAC Contact: Fran Morrow
Artist Services Coordinator
775.687.7106 | fkmorrow@clan.lib.nv.us
Artist Fellowship Guidelines and Application can be downloaded on NAC website at dmla.clan.lib.nv.us/docs/arts/forms.htm
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Quarterly grants that provide funding up to $1,000 to eligible individual artists to support new and/or exemplary arts projects. Jackpots are also designed to support activities that help artists further their careers. Artists must have attained a certain level of proficiency as represented in the quality of work samples submitted with the applications.
Examples of eligible Jackpot projects include:
· Costs associated with attending workshops, conferences, seminars and master classes
· Preparing portfolios and work samples
· Presentation of work (performances, exhibitions, publications, etc.)
Postmark Deadlines:
May 15, 2008 (for projects July 1-Sept 30, 2008)
August 15, 2008 (for projects Oct 1-Dec 31, 2008)
November 17, 2008 (for projects Jan 1-March 31, 2009)
February 16, 2009 (for projects April 1– June 30, 2009)
Eligible applicants must currently:
· be a practicing professional artist
· be a Nevada resident for 12 months prior to application date
· have U.S. citizenship or legal resident status
· be at least 21 years old, and not be currently enrolled as a degree-seeking student
NAC Contact: Mary Vargas
Grants Coordinator
775.687.7102 | mevargas@clan.lib.nv.us
Jackpot Grant Guidelines and Application can be downloaded on NAC website at dmla.clan.lib.nv.us/docs/arts/forms.htm
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[Information forwarded by Fran at NAC. Graphic from a google image search for 'grants']
As someone that does grant research I am glad to see that others are posting about there being grants available for individual artists and not all grants are just for non-profit organizations!
I am happy also. I applied. Now I wish I knew how one learns if it's a yes or a no on the grant.
Sometimes I just don't feel important enough to be told even a 'no' let alone a 'yes'.
So many possibilities to teach art and to do art and so few ways to get it supported, I think. gh
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